...of the nerval systems are at high risk to impaired or even damaged“. Intra-operative neuro-monitoring, -stimulation and mapping (IONM or IOM) describe many methods how to monitor and thus to protect the integrity of nerves, nerval tracts or brain function during surgical procedures. Well-targeted and precise applied neuro-monitoring increases the surgoen’s self-confidence and provides safety for successful surgical results.”
Markus Hoffermann successfully performed more than 600 intra-operatively neuro-monitored neuro-surgical procedures within the last 12 years. Due to his long-term expertise he supported the building of teams in the field of intra-operative neuro-monitoring in Austria. The international meetings of the scientific NGO “The White Matters” attracted medical experts interested and fascinated in the field from all over the world. The meetings were sold out within minutes.
As a lecturing memeber of THE IONM-Academy he provides in-sights in the possiblities IONM-methods: how to best reduce the risk of impairing nerval or brain function. The option of early detection of risks to damage or even destroy nerval or brain structure makes it easier for you to perform surgical procedures in a nerve- and brain-sparing way.