Wir vernetzen...


"We care for your health -

Join us!"



From 15.02. 2021 on the health-care-platform IHAG - International Health Academy Ltd has started growing in order to strengthen Austria's health economy. It provides on-line Information on the ontributions of Austrian companies in the health economy, marked with the health care seal of approval, collected. In addition, it offers comprehensive information on health care copanies that produce and provide services in Austria.


Nothing more energizing but an idea whose time has come.

Victor Hugo


The platform's motto "We care for your health - join us!"

The 4 E's & 3C's jointly ensure health in Austria ...


Education, Entertainment, Empowerment, Energy


Conceptual art, Cultur & Cabaret!


Get connected -

Q&A Sessions



For scientific societies and experts:

... so that you can continue to hold on-line meetings, research seminars, courses, etc cetera in the future and pass on important information and essential knowledge on the current state of research.

We offer inexpensive on-line organiszation and infra-structure.

For time-sparing on-line multi-meetings with a positive ecological footprint: for the sake of your leisure time and the environment.



Impressum | Data Protection

Phone: +43 1 348 4400
E-Mail: [email protected]