For Dog and Cat Parents
Are you tired of feeling helpless when your cat or dog faces an emergency?
Get my online course now. In 4 weeks you will learn many natural remedies and how to use them in different acute situations. The modules are presented in live and recorded Zoom meetings with Q&As.
Imagine your furry friend is injured, and it is Sunday and your son's birthday party is about to start. You panic because you don't know what to do.
You don't have many first-aid remedies, and of the few you do have around the house, you don't know how to use them on your pet.
You are thinking about having to call the vet and how much time and money it is going to cost on a Sunday afternoon.
Find out what natural remedies you should have in your first aid kit
and how you can use them if your pet suddenly falls ill.
After taking my course you will feel safe and confident that you have remedies at home and know how to use them to help your pet.
You may even save money and time by not having to visit the vet.
You can learn how and when to use natural remedies without memorising them. Even if you are short of time.
Modul 1: Homeopathic Remedies
Learn 24 homeopathic first aid remedies and how to use them so you can help your dog or cat in an emergency.
Modul 2: Herbs
Here you can find out which herbs you should have in your first aid box and in which preparation. You can also learn how to use them to treat acute conditions in your dog or cat.
Modul 3: Kitchen remedies
In this module you will learn how to use common household remedies to help your dog or cat if it is injured or becomes acutely ill.
Modul 4: Acute ailments and injuries
Here you can learn 20 illnesses and injuries from A to Z and find out which natural remedies are best for your dog or cat and how to use them.
That's what you get:
instead of 399 EUR
only 299 EUR
You can buy "Natural Solutions for Pet Emergencies" until 18/02/24.
Don't miss your chance to finally gain the knowledge to competently help your dog in acute situations.
Hi, I'm Hanka Fahey,
The "Natural Solutions for Pet Emergencies"
online course is for you if you...