The method we use is called "dyads" and is scientifically proven to raise your compassion. 

In this judgement-free space you are seen and heard and allowed to explore your thoughts, feelings, as well as your needs. 

"Me"-time at it's best. This is the essence of self-care. 

Every second MONDAY 8.30PM CEST Online/Zoom

100% Free

  • you can shine



The Super Grapeful Instagram is all about that science, zen & growth mindset.

You'll get simple (always) science-backed tools, hints & insights on how you can become the best version of yourself and lead the life you were born to live. 


Hey, I'm Louise. I’m a freedom-lover, bonvivant and on a mission. A mission to get people more connected. First with themselves. Then the rest....


For quite some time I searched for my place in the world and wondered what I was meant to do. My purpose. My "why". Until one day it just clicked. I realized that I had made everything way more complicated than necessary. All I had to do was to be me. And how do I do that? I listen carefully and I made my emotions my friend. The whole lot of them. There's no such thing as good or bad feelings - only different ways to understand myself in different situations, during this epic experience, called life.


I grew up in Gothenburg, a bit of a secret hotspot for amazing tasting experiences. Every family birthday we would pick a restaurant and go and celebrate, using all our senses. Right there, around a full table with great food and wine is my happy place.

If we start smelling, tasting, feeling, and listening with intention (this is mindfulness) we instantaneously get a more vivid experience of life - here and now. That's always my first advice; eat, drink and feel. We all have them, our senses are our keys to the present.

Many people don’t have conversations. They just take turns talking. Hence they don't really connect. If you want to learn how to build a real, deep connection let me show you how. This is my gift to the world.

Let's uncover yours!



Louise Harms, was born in Sri Lanka, raised in Sweden, living in Berlin, Germany. Freedom lover and Bon vivant.


When Louise and I started the coaching sessions, I felt my life was falling apart and I was losing grasp of my mindfulness routine – which usually helps me staying in balance through the storm. Louise helped a lot by gently pushing me to practise daily exercises and even try out new ones. Her care, tenderness and suggestions helped me find my way back into a balance I still find myself in a couple of months later. – Eva
My first impression of Louise is that she is a very open-minded and none judgemental person. She doesn't pretend she knows more and she really listens to what I have to say. I also feel comfortable when talking to her. Throughout the one-month journey we took together, she helped me look at things that I already have planned but forgotten, good experiences I may have had but left a while ago, and most important of all, the abilities to always centre and outshine myself. The conversation between us was a circle of giving and receiving, a very well-balanced exchange. My takeaway from the sessions is that I am calibrated for whatever is coming in the future.
Especially during pandemic times when a lot of activities were not possible and social contacts were very limited Louise's mentoring helped me focusing on the little but important things of life. I learned enjoying even the daily routines and how to (re-)activate my senses e.g. while cooking. And I was able to establish a kind of mindfulness during my daily walks. And last but not least I really enjoyed our weekly web calls :-)


I am on a mission. For as long as I can remember freedom was always part of my blueprint. And not just freedom for me, but freedom for all of us. The freedom to be who we want to be and who nature intended us to be. That's justice in it's purest form.  I really believe, that just as any other living creature on this planet, we are born with special gifts and when we live aligned with them along comes happiness, success, and freedom. And we all benefit from this process. Connection is the common denominator here. First with ourselves - then with whoever we wish. Let's all make the most of this one life. Everything is an inside job.


I believe in equality. Equality in the sense that we look at people's capabilities and wish to give. And don't stand in their way. That to me is a society that can flourish, naturally find solutions, and is aligned with human nature. The space where we find balance between our body, mind and spirit is where we all shine. 


© Super Grapeful GmbH

Member of the Digital Coaching Space

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